Bilde av truck

Årets tematikk

Fokus på bærekraftige løsninger og innovative teknologier for fremtidens veksthusdrift.


Focus on sustainable solutions and innovative technologies for the greenhouse operation of the future.
Fremtidsscenario for næringen
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur auctor, velit eget egestas aliquam, lectus est varius libero, sed volutpat sapien nisi nec arcu.

Where tomorrow's greenhouse economy is shaping today

Miljøvennlige praksiser
Drivhus og IoT
The Science Behind Green Growth: Exploring the Power of Biology
At What's Growing 2025, biology is at the heart of the sustainable greenhouse industry of the future.
Explore groundbreaking advances in gene editing and CRISPR technology, which are creating robust plant varieties and new cultivation methods.
We look at how biotechnology can reduce waste, improve soil health and promote a circular economy.
Get inspired by experts who share practical examples of biological innovations, from edible vaccines to advanced growth media. This is the arena where science meets industry to shape a greener future.
The power behind sustainable food production
At What's Growing 2025, we explore how the greenhouse industry can be a pioneer in developing and implementing sustainable energy solutions. With rising energy prices and increasing demands for greenhouse gas reduction, energy choices are at the center of the future of food production. Industry experts will share insights on how greenhouses can leverage symbiosis with other industries, such as waste heat reuse, and integrate renewable energy sources in a way that maximizes efficiency and reduces environmental impact. We also look at the energy market of the future, and how greenhouses can become self-sufficient through innovative solutions such as heat pumps and geofuels.
Join us in shaping a greener future, where energy and technology go hand in hand to ensure sustainable food production.
New industries
Greenhouse 2.0: From Food Production to Diverse Industries
At What's Growing 2025, we look at how greenhouses can play a crucial role in creating new industries and opportunities far beyond traditional food production.

In an era where sustainability and innovation are key words, we are exploring how greenhouses can become venues for everything from medicinal cultivation to urban agriculture and tourism. We also investigate how greenhouses can be integrated into urban environments, such as green roofs, walls, and high-tech urban farms. This opens up opportunities to create unique experiences and new business models, such as greenhouse tourism and teaching venues. Get insights into how these new industries can contribute to economic growth, create jobs, and promote sustainable development. Be inspired to see greenhouses in a whole new way — as innovative spaces that can shape the society and business of the future.”
What`s Growing 2025
Built on the enthusiasm of dedicated gardeners and technology enthusiasts, our goal is to promote innovation and sustainability in greenhouse operations.
Gain practical insights into the latest trends in the greenhouse market and what consumers want.
Create strategic partnerships that foster innovation and growth in the greenhouse industry.
Get expert advice on how to navigate regulatory requirements and optimize market entry.
Sustainability and waste streams
No resources at stake: Sustainable management of residual waste materials from the greenhouse industry.
At What's Growing 2025, sustainability and innovation will go hand in hand to meet the challenges of the future in the greenhouse industry. With an increasing focus on reducing greenhouse gas emissions and optimizing resource use, sustainable waste management and the circular economy are becoming critical to the future of food production.
We see examples of how waste streams from greenhouses can be transformed from a problem into a resource.
Through new technologies and innovative processes, such as upcycling and circular use of materials, we show how everything from plant waste to packaging can be reused and turned into valuable products.
Experts will share insights on how technology can be integrated to minimize environmental impact and maximize efficiency.

Join us on a journey towards a greener future, where nothing goes to waste and EVERYTHING has value.”
Bilde av truck
Efficient Operations, Recruitment and Robotization
Robotisation and Recruitment: How to secure the future of expertise
At What's Growing 2025, we explore how the greenhouse industry can optimise operations through automation and robotisation, while meeting the challenges of recruitment.
New technologies such as AI, drones and robotization offer opportunities to increase productivity, reduce costs and improve sustainability.
We are also looking at how the industry can attract new talent and develop existing workforce to keep pace with technological developments.
Discover how efficient operations and technology can combine with expertise to drive the greenhouse industry of the future
Sales and market
Growth in the Market: Strategies for Superb Sales Success
At What's Growing 2025, we put sales and markets in focus, exploring how the greenhouse industry can capitalize on emerging trends and market needs.
In an industry where competition is constantly increasing, understanding how to best position their products and reach consumers in an efficient way is crucial.
We take a closer look at how quality, trends, branding and sustainability play an increasingly important role in consumer choice, and how the greenhouse industry can benefit from this.
We seek insight into how fruit and vegetables are calculated by chains, how to reduce waste through smarter logistics and promotion strategies, and what triggers increase sales in different markets.
In a world where customer preferences and expectations are constantly shifting, we will give you the tools you need to succeed in a demanding market.


Anita Sale
Innovasjon Norge
Anita Sale vil presentere hvordan bærekraftige investeringer kan fremme veksthusdrift. Ved å støtte innovative prosjekter som integrerer fornybar energi og effektive vannforvaltningssystemer, hjelper Innovasjon Norge bønder med å redusere kostnader og øke avkastningen. Anita Sale vil også dele innsikt i tilgjengelige tilskudd og finansieringsordninger som kan støtte bærekraftige initiativer.
Staale Espedal
Staale Espedal vil presentere hvordan avanserte energiløsninger kan revolusjonere veksthusdrift. Gjennom støtte til prosjekter som fokuserer på energieffektivisering og bruk av fornybare energikilder, bidrar Enova til å redusere både driftskostnader og klimagassutslipp. Staale Espedal vil forklare hvordan smarte energiløsninger kan integreres i eksisterende veksthusstrukturer for å maksimere energieffektiviteten. Med tilgang til Enovas støttetiltak kan veksthusoperatører investere i teknologi som gir langsiktige besparelser og forbedret bærekraft.
Charlotte Østbø
Disruptive Techonlogies
Disruptive Technologies sine avanserte sensorløsninger gir verdifull innsikt i hvordan sanntidsdata kan transformere veksthusdrift. Ved å kombinere data med kunstig intelligens fra Open AI, kan systemene estimere verdien på avlingene i sanntid. Dette gjør at bønder kan optimalisere ressursbruk for en best mulig ROI. Charlotte gir introduksjon, samt en demo av det nye systemet.
"Å jobbe med dette prosjektet har vært en fantastisk opplevelse. Det har virkelig gitt oss muligheten til å implementere de nyeste teknologiene innen veksthusdrift og forbedre våre bærekraftige praksiser."
Kari Hansen
Daglig leder

Born from the collective ambition of industry veterans and technology innovators.

We recognize the intricate dance between pioneering science and the necessity of robust funding—an interplay where many promising ideas have faltered on the path to realization. Stem is designed as the conduit through which research meets resources, ensuring that no potential for human advancement is left unexplored due to financial constraints.
Committed to developing and upholding sustainable practices
We believe that the built environment plays an important role in achieving these goals
Committed to developing and upholding sustainable practices

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